Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Was Ronald Reagan a Good President Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Was Ronald Reagan a Good President - Assignment Example Believing this view is subject to failure to realize the key achievement of the former president. 2. Crime: His address at the International Chiefs of Police did not go well with most people as he claimed that crime was a personal choice as opposed to the view that it was a means to survival for some people. His attitude failed in the realization of the real effect of crime in the society leading to wastage of funds in the fight against crime and drug abuse. 3. Defense: During his tenure at the oval office, Reagan increased the budgetary allocation on defense for a period of six consecutive years. This led to a lot of expenditure on defense leading to wastage of public funds and construction of unnecessary demands. The security challenges that were facing the United States at that time were very real and disastrous if they were to manifest. Massive expenditure in the military was thus the best idea in a bid to ensure the nation.

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